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Cool Escapes Villas And Chalets

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This book takes us on a journey to these places and more: to a collection of immaculate villas and chalets as diverse as their respective surroundings. With the perfect balance of over-the-top amenities, fantastic interiors and architecture, and surrounds fit for royalty, this immaculate collection of private properties will please even the most discerning guests. Vacation addresses like these possess an extraordinary, elegant, and unmistakable ambiance, in addition to a certain degree of exclusivity. A sumptuous array of interiors and exteriors will inspire you to create your own idyllic escape, or to plan your next great getaway.

Ficha técnica
Código 11861
Código de barras 9783832798505
Categoria Guia De Viagem
Especificações Técnicas
  • ISBN: 9783832798505
  • Editora: Teneues
  • Idioma: Ingles/Alemao
  • Dimensões: 32 x 25 x 1,375 cm
  • Páginas: 220
  • Encadernação: Capa Dura
  • Ano de Edição: 2014
  • Autor(a): Vários Autores

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