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Homemade Presents

Disponibilidade: Imediata
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R$ 200,00

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Giving personal and individual homemade presents is both, a great joy and an expression of your love and affection. This book is an excellent source of ideas for a range of delightful and practical homemade gifts, from cooking and pickling to handicrafts and decorating. Choose from its five different chapters whether to make culinary treats (chocolate truffles), homemade cosmetics (massage oil), hand-knitted clothing (woolen scarf ), or handcrafted decorations (candleholder). Featuring more than100 easy step-by-step instructions, Homemade Presents guides you through the art of making beautiful gifts by hand. There is something for everyone and every occasion. 

Ficha técnica
Código 8591
Código de barras 9783848008636
Categoria Culinária
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