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Friendly Food From Breakfast To Dessert

Disponibilidade: Imediata
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R$ 150,00

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Today, more and more people suffer from food intolerances, the most common of which are gluten, lactose, and refined sugar. This delightful and inspiring cookbook by Swedish food blogger Hanna Göransson is the first of its kind to combine three diets in one book. It features over 75 delicious and healthy recipes that are free of gluten, dairy products, and refined sugar. Choose from a large menu of ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, candies, and even deserts. Whether you prefer sweet or savory dishes, the nutritional recipes in this superbly illustrated book will make your mouth water and satisfy your appetite.Friendly Food From Breakfast to Dessert will allow you to be creative in the kitchen and to enjoy food to the full again.

Ficha técnica
Código 8590
Código de barras 9783848008711
Categoria Culinária
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