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Urban Jungles

Disponibilidade: Imediata
0 Opiniões

R$ 380,00

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Life is sharper when it's lived on the edge. Experiences are hyper-real and memories are keen and adrenalinecharged. This collection chronicles the photographs of Renaissance man Hubertus von Hohenlohe. Von Hohenlohe is not just content with the status quo. Renowned for his sporting prowess as an awardwinning skier, and admired for his physical courage and dashing personal style, this jet-setting trendsetter has a bold vision that is clear yet challenging. Echoing the statements of his friend and mentor, Andy Warhol, von Hohenlohe's work is modern and visionary.

Ficha técnica
Código 11929
Código de barras 9783832792503
Categoria Arquitetura
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