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The magic book

Disponibilidade: Imediata
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R$ 400,00

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This book aims to pay homage to 500 years of extraordinary visual art created around the most exceptional magicians the world has seen . More than 750 posters , photographs , hand programs and engravings document the history of stage magic from the 1400s to the post-World War II years . Through sensational images and clear and instructive accompanying text, The Magic Bookexplores the evolution of the magical arts from the first street illusionists to the exceptional theatrical magicians responsible for the first special film effects; from the golden age of magic in the nineteenth century to daring escapists like Houdini and the great vaudeville artists of the early 20th century.
Ficha técnica
Código 3141
Código de barras 9783836574167
Categoria Fotografía
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