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Hine Lewis

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This book brings together a representative collection of all periods of the work of Lewis W. Hine. It covers from its first incursions into the socio-documentary genre to its latest, more artistic and interpretative photographs, including its phenomenal images of the construction of the Empire State Building and its staging of the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines as a reflection on the growing industrialization. In addition to nearly 350 photographs, the book includes an essay by the editor as an introduction to Hine's life and innovative work. 

Ficha técnica
Código 3137
Código de barras 9783836572347
Categoria Fotografia
Especificações Técnicas
  • ISBN: 9783836572347
  • Editora: Taschen
  • Idioma: Alemão/Francês/Inglês
  • Dimensões: 19,5 x 14 x 3,4 cm
  • Páginas: 544
  • Encadernação: Capa Dura
  • Ano de Edição: 2018
  • Autor(a): Walther, Peter
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