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Art Arktis

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R$ 500,00

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ART ARKTIS explores the fragility and variety of a majestic, untouched world through a collection of fine-art photography. Dietmar Baum and Tini Papamichalis embarked on a three-week expedition, capturing landscapes otherwise guarded from the sights of mankind by ice with the help of Hasselblad?s latest camera technology. Using their trained eyes and artistic points of view, the two have created seemingly surreal images?as if a scene from another planet was painted. The goal of this Antarctic excursion in February 2014 was to give insight into this fragile and pristine land, transporting the viewer to these solitary vistas. The stunning array of images of Antarctica evokes a lasting impression?to undoubtedly preserve this region because of its indisputable role in our planet?s life.
Ficha técnica
Código 11878
Código de barras 9783832732424
Categoria Fotografia
Especificações Técnicas
  • ISBN: 9783832732424
  • Editora: Teneues
  • Idioma: Ingles/Alemao
  • Dimensões: 37 x 29 x 3,2 cm
  • Páginas: 208
  • Encadernação: Capa Dura
  • Ano de Edição: 2015
  • Autor(a): Baum, Dietmar; Papamichalis, Tine
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