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Sex To Sexty

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Some call it the most vulgar magazine ever made; others see it as the last honest compendium of American sexual humor, starting just as the sexual revolution was expanding minds and stomping taboos, and ending when political correctness made all such humor socially unacceptable. Whatever your stance, the magazine Sex to Sex ty was and is an outrageous collection of dirty jokes and cartoons published from 1965 to 1983 by Texas entrepreneur John Newbern, whose life was lifted straight from the pages of his publication. His partner in crime against good taste was hillbilly artist Pierre Davis, who created elaborate oil painted covers for each issue that celebrate every permutation of manly humor. No topic was safe from the lowbrow wit of these two men and the cartoonists they recruited to preserve what they called the 'True Jokelore of America'.
Ficha técnica
Código 1866
Código de barras 9783822852231
Categoria Arte
Especificações Técnicas
  • ISBN: 9783822852231
  • Editora: Taschen
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dimensões: 28,4 x 21,6 x 4,3 cm
  • Páginas: 420
  • Encadernação: Capa Dura
  • Ano de Edição: 2008
  • Autor(a): Keley, Dian

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