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100 Years Studio Babelsberg

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R$ 350,00

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Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2012, Babelsberg is the oldest large-scale film studio in the world. From box-office hits to artistic triumphs, they?ve all been created here. These sound stages, where such stars as Marlene Dietrich were born, are the real birthplace of German film. Babelsberg has always been a source of technical and artistic innovation: in fact, many key developments in camera techniques and sound recording originated within these walls. This comprehensive overview covers all aspects of the cinematic arts, from sets to scripts and costumes. All stages of the studio?s history are represented, including the golden years of Weimar cinema and Babelsberg?s recent re-emergence as an international commercial and cultural presence.
Ficha técnica
Código 11818
Código de barras 9783832796099
Categoria Artes Cênicas
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